Ask The White Unicorn
The White Unicorn loves cycling almost as much as he loves you! If you are good and noble, he
(or possibly she--I'm not going to look at a White Unicorn there) will be happy to aid you in your requests. But beware! If it turns out your motives are less than pure, his mournful revenge will be terrible. Your best bets to influence him in your direction are nice thoughts, good deeds, and maybe an offering of lollipops or some cookies and milk. He likes Milanos a lot.
Write your request in the box, then click the bar for your answer.
The White Unicorn is utterly and completely trustworthy, so if by some chance he says he'll fulfill your request and it fails to come true, then it is obviously your fault. Perhaps your heart isn't quite as pure as it could be, but if you try really hard I'm sure you'll be worthy of help next time.